
Dear colleagues, visitors and those who are interested,

Welcome to the website of the Hungarian Society for Theatre Technology (HSTT) which was founded in April, 2004.

In the field of culture and theatre technology the tasks had to be re-evaluated and new organizational and functional rules became necessary because of the political and economic change-over in 1989. The position of the experts of theatre technology changed and representation of their interests became more important. Due to the fact that Hungary joined the European Union in 2004 one of the most important tasks now is to harmonize the standards and the laws, and create opportunities for education at European level and further trainings. Operating the continuously developing theatre technology requires up-to-date specialized knowledge. This is the reason why we found it important to establish an independent Society for Theatre Technology which would provide more opportunities for theatres and cultural centres.

However, our professional program can only be successful if the managers and employees of institutions of performing arts are willing to learn and interested in the latest developments in theatre technology and also find it important to educate and improve the professional skills of all the workers operating theatre technology.

Hopefully our services (listed below) will be of assistance to the many kinds of experts working in theatres:

  • A high-standard technical journal entitled “SZÍNPAD” which contains a lot of useful information about theatre performances and technical solutions. The journal will be issued every three month and will be free for all the members of the Society.
  • An Internet website with chat forums helping communication among experts in order to exchange opinions.
  • “Szceni-Tech” Theatre Technology Forum and Exhibition organized every even year. The primary aim of this program is to introduce and spread the technical novelties.
  • “Theatre Technology Forum” organized every odd year. This provides opportunity for experts to meet informally and discuss up-to-date problems.
  • The Society organizes non-subsidized courses to educate and train experts working in the field of theatre technology. The first course, the Course for Operators of Theatre Rigging Equipment, was organized in December, 2004, and was completed by fifty stage workers.
  • Maintaining relations with foreign professional organizations to introduce the new standards, unify the systems of notation, and modernize the safety regulations. Discussing technical and economic questions arisen during the EU-accession, and preparing home adaptation.
  • Creating the Theatre Atlas with the recommendation of OISTAT (International Organization of Scenographers, Theatre Technicians and Theatre Architects). This Atlas is the technical and information database of the Hungarian stages.

The activity of the Hungarian Society for Theatre Technology can be complete with the active assistance and conscientious work of theatre experts. We hope that this website will serve our purposes.

We kindly ask you to be an active and supporting member of our Society.

Presidency of HSTT

Availability of our Society:
Hungarian Society for Theatre Technology

Address: H-1138 Budapest, Madarász Viktor u. 43.
Tel./fax: +36-1- 329-0841
WEB: www.msztsz.hu
E-mail: titkarsag@msztsz.hu

Magyar Színháztechnikai Szövetség